You know more than one woman under the age of thirty-five named "Ethel";
You can whine and eat at the same time;
You can whine and sleep at the same time;
Your pickup truck has a gun rack inside the cab and a cross and/or fish symbol on the bumper;
You use any kind of "anti-gas medication";
You know two or more guys your age you call "Bubba";
You have ever had a "Charlton Heston Is My Other President" bumper sticker on your car;
You are over fifty and watch "Toddlers in Tiaras";
You have a picture of Goldwater, Nixon or Reagan anywhere in your house or office;
You have always really liked sausage gravy;
You have any relative of either sex named "Butch";
Your golf clubs or watch cost more than your wife's car;
You believe taxing employees at far higher rates than their bosses is just and fair;
You take Viagra AND acid reflux medication;
You think the 'Real Americans' may be found in the rural areas of Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama and Georgia;
You think serving red, white and blue cupcakes makes you patriotic;
You think Ronald Reagan really did 'hang the moon';
You can say "compassionate conservative" with a straight face;
You think 'a thousand points of light' actually is a good quip and slogan;
You think Rush Limbaugh should to do a calendar;
A five second sound-bite is the maximum limit of your attention span;
You have a genuine Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity autograph;
Being a 'good Christian' places no limits on your interest in sexually perverse web sites;
You are secretly FEATURED on one or more sexually perverse web sites;
You drink Budweiser beer because it's American beer by God! (But don't know the brewery is owned by a European company);
You think Sarah Palin was unfairly blindsided by Katie Couric in their interview;
You sincerely believe Sarah Palin would be a far better President than Obama;
You believe Sarah Palin's children should not have media attention, even though Palin herself paraded them before the public;
You defend Richard Nixon as 'a great guy who let himself be trapped by his liberal enemies';
Your favorite sarcasms are calling people 'professor' or 'intellectual';
You think Joe McCarthy was right and got a raw deal from communists in Congress;
You watch Fox News because they are your only source for 'fair and balanced' news;
You sincerely believe publishing fake stories of weapons of mass destruction is plenty enough reason to attack another country with your own weapons of mass destruction;
You believe all the 'lamestream media' (everyone except Fox) is controlled by communists, socialists or liberals;
You believe getting a blowjob from a White House intern is far worse than an illegal invasion of another country killing hundreds of thousands;
You believe all Democrats are left-wing;
Your favorite vehicle is a Hummer;
You HAVE a vehicle named after an oral sex act (Hummer);
You have an American flag decal on your Hummer;
You think tax breaks for the rich will create jobs;
You think George W. Bush is just a misunderstood intellectual with poor verbal skills;
You think parts of the Bill of Rights are unnecessary, probably socialist and should be repealed;
You believe 'socialists' and 'fascists' are the same thing;
You get a hard-on every time you see an 'Occupier' protester being beaten by police;
You think it's a darn sin and shame the way Tea Partiers are disrespected;
You ARE a Tea Partier;
You believe 'liberals' and 'socialists' are the same thing;
You sincerely believe the United States is a 'Christian' nation;
You believe bailing out corporations is good, but helping poor people is bad for them;
You believe it's their own damned fault poor people can't afford health insurance;
You believe government should be run as a business;
You think 'tax cuts' and 'trickle-down economics' are the only economic policies the country needs;
You believe 'Freedom of Religion' means freedom to practice Christianity only;
You favor funding prisons over funding schools;
You believe the best educations are gotten at home or religious private schools;
You hold many strong opinions you can not explain;
You proudly display a 'Buy American' bumper sticker on your Beemer;
You think Rick Perry is a real Texas cowboy;
You can justify Jesus as a welfare hating militaristic capitalist;
You can physically hear, but are incapable of listening to opposing views;
You believe the NRA defends constitutional rights and the ACLU are communist traitors;
You can call yourself as a "ditto head" without a feeling of irony or shame;
You believe the poor, and sick or hungry children don't exist if you can't see or hear them;
You own more than one hand gun;
You have an assault rifle in your closet;
You have never noticed the physical resemblances between George W. Bush, Howdy Doody, Coco the Monkey & Alfred E. Neuman;
You think hate is an perfectly acceptable Christian virtue;
You believe Americans are God's chosen people - no matter what those damned jews claim;
You actually believe invading another country doesn't create more hate and terrorists;
You believe George W. Bush is a 'real Texan' who made it good all on his own;
You believe welfare and tax breaks are OK for corporations because they 'create jobs';
You believe corporations are 'people';
You still wonder why Archie Bunker in the 'All In The Family' show was so funny to some people;
You haven't had a library card since grade school;
You think "shock and awe" is the greatest military strategy ever;
You celebrated when 'Mission Accomplished' was announced;
You believe planning an invasion without an exit strategy is great military policy;
You think all unemployment would disappear if only the minimum wage were lowered;
You believe capitalism, Christianity and the Free Market can solve everything;
You think separation of church and state is an assault on religious freedom;
You don't believe in government regulations except for women, Democrats and dark-skinned people;
You believe owning a .50 caliber assault weapon is a 'God-given right' guaranteed by the Constitution;
You think letting your kids watch Sesame Street or Teletubbies can make them gay;
You think requiring a driver's license is OK, but a gun permit is an infringement of your rights;
You are a pro-lifer and a fervent champion of the death penalty simultaneously;
You believe dark-skinned people don't have the same rights as white people;
You can shamelessly pray to God for personal favors right after cheating on your spouse;
You think Ted Nugent is a great American and actually makes good sense;
You can use 'God', 'glory' and 'guns' in the same sentence;
The most heroic persons you can think of are John Wayne and Chuck Norris;
You sincerely believe the best way to bring "democracy and freedom" to another nation is to bomb the living bejesus out of them;
You avoided all military service for yourself but loudly and proudly support 'our military';
You believe your own fixed opinions constitute 'critical thinking';
You are AGAINST teaching critical thinking in schools since it challenges students' fixed belief systems, and are glad the Texas GOP has actually stated that as official policy;
You are totally convinced health care for all is a socialist scheme which will destroy the country;
You think scaring the public with fake alarms is the best way to get their votes;
You can believe in 'faith based initiatives' and keeping government out of churches' business at the same time;
You can claim Larry Craig 'just had a wide stance' with a straight face;
You sneer at Obama using a teleprompter, but ignored George W. Bush's gibberish even when he used one;
The only blisters you ever had on your hands came from your tennis racket;
You refuse to acknowledge Jesus was actually a long-haired, dark-skinned hippy type Jewish guy;
You think flying a Chinese made American flag on your front porch makes you a patriot;
You believe the more flags you can display, the more patriotic you are;
You believe the GOP's first priority is to block any legislation introduced by Democrats, even if it is the exact same thing Republicans introduced themselves earlier;
You believe 'defeating Obama' is far more important than the business of the nation;
You are secretly envious and jealous of Bill Clinton's sex life;
You believe Bill Clinton's sexual adventures almost destroyed democracy as we know it;
You believe the Earth is 6,000 years old and anyone saying otherwise is 'attacking Christianity';
You worry about your job being 'outsourced', yet vigorously support tax cuts for your company's CEO;
You believe the 9/11 attacks on George W. Bush's watch were Clinton's fault;
You are now convinced Dwight Eisenhower was really a 'RINO';
You think Sarah Palin, George W. Bush and Dan Quayle are all very bright people who simply have trouble expressing themselves;
You secretly think Sarah Palin makes George W. Bush look smart, but won't admit it;
You believe patriots must always support their government 'right or wrong' unless a Democrat is in charge;
You think marijuana users should all be jailed but Rush Limbaugh just made a completely understandable and unfortunate mistake by taking drugs illegally;
You sincerely believe 'God' is always on your side;
The only Constitutional Amendments you actually know are the first two;
You can not see the irony in ranting about 'communists' while your own party's official color is 'red';
You believe your right to 'free speech' is for everyone except your opposition;
You believe repeating proven lies often enough will make them come true;
You claim you love 'democracy', yet want to disenfranchise all liberals, dark-skinned people, Muslims, socialists and Democrats;
You fantasize about getting it on with Saran Palin, Michelle Bachmann or Ann Coulter;
You secretely fantasize about getting it on with Ted Haggard, Arnold Schwartzenegger or male strippers while trying to make love to your wife (or husband);
You believe intensive education leads to snobbery and elitism and must be resisted;
You think homosexuality is a choice which is spread by homosexuals;
You sincerely believe prayer will 'cure' homosexuality;
You support the National Rifle Association but demonize the National Education Association;
You believe all undocumented persons should be rounded up and deported somewhere, even if born in this country - except your cook, gardner or nanny of course;
You believe 'abstinence only' is better than sex education and condoms in preventing unwanted pregnancies;
You think 'greed' is the most required and beneficial attribute in any capitalist society;
You believe choosing a career not motivated by profit means you are communist;
You call women who demand fair and equal treatment 'Feminazis';
You believe the best way to help poor people is giving more money to rich people;
You believe scientific textbooks must and should be edited by scientifically illiterate political hacks;
You believe 'protecting freedom' is best done by thugs with automatic weapons and official badges;
You believe voluntary pollutions standards work;
You insist saving 1.5 million American jobs with the GM and Chrysler bailouts is 'socialism';
You consider those who disagree with you as treasonous liberal wienies, and communists;
You think people should go to prison for smoking any vegetation besides tobacco;
You get a hard-on watching NASCAR races, football, wrestling and boxing matches;
You think military force should be the first tool used in international diplomacy;
You think there is rampant voter fraud which can be cured by picture ID's;
You insist there there is no voter fraud at the local level in GOP districts;
You think eliminating welfare, Social Security, Medicaid and programs for the needy will return the country to prosperity;
You cheered when Congress attacked NPR, Planned Parenthood and gay rights;
You scream Obama is a 'Kenyan Tax and Spend Socialist' even while taxes are the lowest since 1950;
You think money is the exact same thing as free speech;
You say the Christian God protects 'the faithful', while ignoring most natural disasters seem to occur in the Bible Belt;
You call Al Gore and Michael Moore 'fat traitors' but think Rush Limbaugh is a 'great patriot';
You actually can listen to a complete Rush Limbaugh broadcast without barfing;
You think corporations are 'people' but laws which put 'people' in jail don't apply to them;
You aren't bothered that our nation's rich 'jobs creators' are creating all their jobs overseas;
You believe that it is their damned own fault people are born into poverty, and it serves them right by God;
You think the 95% of all scientists who warn of global warming are part of a vast, conspiracy;
You think an "HMO" may be either a cable TV channel or a queer;
You think trading with Cuba is treasonous, but trading with communist China or Vietnam is OK since it is 'free trade' and good for business;
The support NO TAXES except poll taxs;
You believe in 'states rights' except rights for women or gays;
You believe the best way to save health care tax money is not provide health care;
You think digging the hole deeper is the best way out of it;
You have ever been 'born again';
You think the ACLU is anti-American except for the times they defended Oliver North and Rush Limbaugh by mistake;
You believe regulations for multi-national corporations are anti-American, communist inspired plots;
You think that everything has really gone downhill in the country since 1900;
You believe Saudi Arabians are our democratic freedom-loving friends in the Middle East;
You believe Republican sex scandals are 'private matters' but scandals for all others must be fully exposed and publicized;
You seriously insist the welfare of its people is not the business of government;
'Progress' to you means returning to how things were 75 years ago;
You believe ignoring the needs and welfare of its citizens is good for the country;
You believe "Intelligent Design" can be proven through fossil records;
You insist 'Creationism' be taught in school but evolution and climate change are 'junk science' and must not be taught;
You support eliminating sex education, birth control and abortions in the same breath;
You think HMOs and insurance companies have the public's best interests at heart;
You believe Jesus hates queers, socialists, liberals and Democrats, and anyone else you don't like;
You think George W. Bush deserves all the credit for hunting down and killing Osama Bin Ladin;
You think Christian prayer in schools should be required, but nothing else, most especially no Muslim prayers;
You think 'progressive' is a dirty word;
You sincerely believe cutting taxes on rich people will increase tax revenues;
You believe big corporations are motivated by compassion for people, ever;
Reading the above makes you see 'red';
You haven't laughed at any of the above!