Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Most Perfect Storm

It is hard to conceive of a more disastrous foreign policy than ones pursued by the Bush administration in the Middle East since taking control of our government.

We are witnessing a complete Middle East meltdown there which is in large part a result of this administration’s stubborn & shortsighted pigheadedness. Our children and grandchildren will be dealing with the ramifications of the problems created or exacerbated by their policies. It is all so tragic, unnecessary and sad.

To quote Professor Emeritus Wayne G. Reilly of Hollins University :

“The American invasion of Iraq appears to be the critical action that precipitated the current tragedies in the Middle East. Why is that so? In short, because it was the wrong action, at the wrong time, in the wrong place. We deposed Saddam Hussein while blithely ignoring the existing regional problems. In addition, we also ignored the most important and intransigent political issue in the Middle East, the condition of Israel.”

Professor Reilly has explained things in crystal clarity in his recent article in The
Roanoke Times, and in a far better fashion that I ever could:


Let us all hope and pray that we never again allow such a malignant administration to gain control of our government. Having acquiesced and permitted Bush et al to run things for our country has resulted in incalculable damage to the US and the world.

Never again.


  1. Let us all hope and pray that we never again allow such a malignant administration to gain control of our government. Having acquiesced and permitted Bush et al to run things for our country has resulted in incalculable damage to the US and the world.

    Never again.

    I'd certainly like to believe that this is a one-of-a-kind nightmare from which the nation will awaken, shake its head, and vow never to allow to happen again. Unfortunately, we are a nation of perennial "slow learners" that seems hellbent on repeating the past (the Vietnam War should have driven home to us the utter stupidity of second-generation military intervention in third-world civil chaos in which the indigenous people fight back with fourth-generation tactics). As long as John Q. Public believes that the Demopublican Party (read: the party of unbridled state power) is the only option, we will see many more George W. Bushes, of both the Democrat and Republican label.

  2. I could not agree more . . .


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