States where those who identify themselves as ‘conservatives’ (sometimes AKA “Neocons”) predominate are known as “Red States”.
According to them, the liberals, social radicals and moral degenerates predominate in the so-called “Blue States” and are the authors of all the evil that exists in our country and across the globe.
“Conservatives’ as they define themselves like to be known as defenders of morality and good and decency and civilization as we know it.
They tell us conservative Republicans are the only ones standing between American values and degeneracy and moral ruin.
They claim to protect us all - whether we want their protections or not - from insidious contamination by liberals and Democrats.
They man the mighty ramparts of religion against the onslaughts of liberality and all other evil.
They tell us if only they can root out all the liberals and other moral degenerates our democracy will be safe.
But, if one takes the trouble to turn the rock over under which these ‘conservatives’ dwell, another not-so-pretty picture begins to emerge.
A recent article in Vanity Fair by James Wolcott paints a graphic and more disturbing mural of their reality, much at odds with ‘conservative’ claims. I present some of Vanity Fair’s graphics here for your edification. (Click on images to expand):
Some states are very preeminent in legally killing more of their citizens . . .

Certain color states put a higher percentage of their citizens in jail than others . . .

Certain color states seem to need to incarerate more women than others . . .

Deaths by firearms seem to be concentrated in certain states . . .

Some states take the lead in gambling or 'gaming' as it is euphemistically termed in Godly places . . .

Certain color states lead in fat heads . . . and that refers to head sizes, not smarts!

Certain states seem to lead in suicides . . .

Guess which color states seem to be leaders in numbers of divorces per 1000?

Many states breed more illegitimate children than others . . .

But, then there are those blue state folks who are apparently overeducated . . .

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